import asyncio from time import sleep from bleak import BleakScanner, BleakClient, BleakError class Motors: LEFT=0 RIGHT=1 HEAD=2 # Directions class Directions: FORWARD = 0 BACKWARD = 8 ROTATE_LEFT = 0 ROTATE_RIGHT = 8 class Droid(): def __init__(self, profile): print("Initializing") self.disabledLeds = 0x00 self.profile = profile # assumes theta in degrees and r = 0 to 100 % # returns a tuple of percentages: (left_thrust, right_thrust) def __throttle_angle_to_thrust__(r, theta): theta = ((theta + 180) % 360) - 180 # normalize value to [-180, 180) r = min(max(0, r), 100) # normalize value to [0, 100] v_a = r * (45 - theta % 90) / 45 # falloff of main motor v_b = min(100, 2 * r + v_a, 2 * r - v_a) # compensation of other motor if theta < -90: return -v_b, -v_a if theta < 0: return -v_a, v_b if theta < 90: return v_b, v_a return v_a, -v_b async def connect(self): timeout=0.0 print("Connecting") self.droid = BleakClient(self.profile) await self.droid.connect() # while not self.droid.is_connected and timeout < 10: # sleep (.1) # timeout += .1 print ("Connected!") connectCode = bytearray.fromhex("222001") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, connectCode, False) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, connectCode, False) print("Locked") light_blink = bytearray.fromhex("2C000449020001ff01ff0aff00") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, light_blink) connect_sound = bytearray.fromhex("25000c421102") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, connect_sound) sleep(3) async def disconnect(self): print ("Disconnecting") try: soundBank = bytearray.fromhex("27420f4444001f09") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, soundBank) soundSelection = bytearray.fromhex("27420f4444001800") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, soundSelection) sleep(3) finally: await self.droid.disconnect() print("Disconnected") async def led_disable_sound(self, leds): ledDisableCommand = bytearray.fromhex(f"27420f4444004a{leds}") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, ledDisableCommand) self.disabledLeds = self.disabledLeds|int(leds, 16) print(self.disabledLeds) async def led_enable_sound(self, leds): ledEnableCommand = bytearray.fromhex(f"27420f4444004b{leds}") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, ledEnableCommand) self.disabledLeds = self.disabledLeds-(int(leds, 16)&self.disabledLeds) print(self.disabledLeds) async def led_flash(self, leds, duration): pass async def led_off(self, leds): ledOffCommand = bytearray.fromhex( f"27420f44440049{leds}" ) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, ledOffCommand) print(f"{self.disabledLeds:02x}") print((f"{(~self.disabledLeds & 0x1F):02x}")) await self.led_enable_sound(f"{(~self.disabledLeds & 0x1F):02x}") async def led_on(self, leds): ledOnCommand = bytearray.fromhex(f"27420f44440048{leds}") await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, ledOnCommand) async def move (self, degrees, duration): thrust = self.__throttle_angle_to_thrust__(degrees) async def move_motors(self, direction, motor, strength): move_selection = bytearray.fromhex("29420546{}{}{}012C0000".format(direction, motor, strength)) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, move_selection) async def play_sound(self, sound_id=None, bank_id=None, cycle=False, volume=None): if volume: self.set_volume(volume) if bank_id and (not hasattr(self, "soundbank") or self.soundbank != bank_id): await self.set_soundbank(bank_id) if sound_id: soundSelection = bytearray.fromhex("27420f44440018{}".format(sound_id)) elif cycle: soundSelection = bytearray.fromhex("26420f4344001c") else: soundSelection = bytearray.fromhex("27420f44440010{}".format(self.bank_id)) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, soundSelection) async def run_routine(self, routineId): full_id = bytearray.fromhex("25000c42{}02".format(routineId)) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, full_id) async def set_soundbank(self, bank_id): self.soundbank = bank_id soundBank = bytearray.fromhex("27420f4444001f{}".format(bank_id)) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, soundBank) async def set_volume(self, volume): volume_command = bytearray.fromhex("27420f4444000e{}".format(volume)) await self.droid.write_gatt_char(0x000d, volume_command) def findDroid(candidate, data): if == "DROID": return True else: return False async def discoverDroid(retry=False): myDroid = None while retry and myDroid is None: try: myDroid = await BleakScanner.find_device_by_filter(findDroid) if myDroid is None: if not retry: print("Droid discovery timed out.") return else: print("Droid discovery timed out. Retrying...") continue except BleakError as err: print("Droid discovery failed. Retrying...") continue print (f"Astromech successfully discovered: [ {myDroid} ]") d = Droid(myDroid) return d async def main(): d = await discoverDroid(retry=True) try: await d.connect() sleep (3) # await arms.run_routine("05") # sleep (5) # await arms.set_soundbank("05") # await arms.play_sound("00") # sleep (5) # for i in range(5): # await arms.play_sound(cycle=True) # sleep(5) # await arms.play_sound("00", "00") # sleep(8) await d.led_disable_sound("01") await d.play_sound("00", "00") sleep(10) await d.led_on("1f") sleep(10) await d.led_off("1f") await d.play_sound("00", "00") sleep(10) except OSError as err: print(f"Discovery failed due to operating system: {err}") except BleakError as err: print(f"Discovery failed due to Bleak: {err}") finally: await d.disconnect() if __name__ == "__main__":